Sunday, October 9, 2011

Free Food: Tools For The Urban Forager

There is no question that an increasing number of people are having trouble affording the basic food they need to survive. The economy continues to stagnate and more people are on food stamps than ever before. If you are struggling, however, you may be able to supplement your weekly shopping with food foraged from local sources. Community gardens, neighborhood fruit trees and wild berry bushes can all be an excellent source of free, delicious nutrients. Having a few key tools, however, can make your foraging much more effective. Having a book on local produce, a good pair of gloves and a Leatherman Wave knife on hand may well be your keys to success.

Before  you start foraging, it is important that you know what you are looking for. While apples and oranges grow plainly on trees, other fruits and vegetables may not be as obvious. Find a book about the produce that is native to your area and read up on its distinguishing features. You may be walking by a rosemary bush every day and not even realize it. Additionally, some delicacies may be disguised. Ginkgo nuts, for example, are hidden within the foul-smelling ginkgo berry. Once the stinky flesh has been cleared away, the nuts can be roasted or turned into delicious, Japenese-style custards.

A multipurpose knife is another tool that help guarantee your success. A high-quality pocket knife, such as the Leatherman Wave, contains a number of clipping and cutting tools well suited to foraging. You can use the pliers, for example, to hold thorny raspberry bushes aside. The knife blade, on the other hand, will cut through a tough stem. The scissors are the perfect tool for trimming herbs such as rosemary and thyme.

Depending on what you are looking for, a pair of gardening gloves can also be indispensable. Many plants protect themselves with rows of thorns or spikes. While you may be prepared for this if you are harvesting cactus pears or rose hips, some plants can surprise you with their prickles. Raspberry and blackberry bushes, for example, have nasty thorns. Lemon trees also protect themselves with sharp spikes hidden amongst their leaves.

Regardless of which fruits and vegetables you are searching for, you should make sure to understand the etiquette of foraging before you begin. While, generally speaking, you should not pick fruit that you find on private property, many tree owners will gladly let you take a bag or two if you ask nicely. Bounty found in empty lots or on City-owned property, on the other hand, if free for the taking. If you make sure to always keep an eye out and have your gloves and Letherman Wave on hand, you never know what you might bring home at the end of the day.